Arlene Powers Bird Art and Discussion Site

Hello Everyone,

This is Arlene’s daughter Melissa. For those of you that do not know, Arlene passed away peacefully at 4:38am on Tuesday, February 28. She was at home and surrounded by the love of family members when she passed. Arlene’s funeral will be on Tuesday, March 21 at 11:00am. It will be at Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church located at 3220 W Greenway Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85053. Arlene asked that donations be made to Liberty Wildlife in lieu of flowers or gifts. You can make donations to Liberty Wildlife by mailing a check to 2600 E Elwood, Phoenix, AZ 85040. Please include a note letting Liberty know that the donation is in memory of Arlene. Thank you! 


In case you haven’t noticed, it has been a while since I have blogged. Well one of the protocols has caused me to develop neuropathy. They do not know if it will go away in 6 months or be permanent. It involves, numbness, tingling and pain all at the same time and has affected my hands and feet. Hubby and I have been stocking up on soft towels, and looking for some comfy socks.Most of the socks I have tried have a grain which irritates my feet. Also have started ANOTHER protocol which is oral tablets, two weeks on and two weeks off.  We go to get a blood draw tomorrow and see the oncologist a week from tomorrow. The main side effect of this protocol is abdominal pain. It is a lot milder than some of the other chemo treatments.

Even though I have had a lot of hand pain, I have tried to work through it and make some art. The first is a white charcoal on black paper. It is Ophelia from the Oasis, she is a black Lorikeet. The second one is a metal embossing of Sunny.






Stay tuned!!!!


AS you probably have guessed, the CEA count went down 75 so we are on the right track again!!! We had an appointment at TGEN and were assured this is not the last chemo protocol available, there are some meds that will stop the cancer growth once I get the CEA count low, so I can go off of chemo for a while!!!!! Also there are new clinical studies going on and they will be watching for one that might help me. First, I have to finish this protocol – 4 more months and meanwhile they are sending my liver biopsy for some further study to determine more cancer markers which will help determine if a clinical study will help or not. SO we left feeling very hopeful for the future!!!!

My Beatitudes exhibition came down and there are left over pieces, which I will be putting on ETSY – Arlene Powers soon. Just have to photograph each one first.

I had the great pleasure of going to the Liberty Wildlife Grand opening. I had tears in my eyes the whole time. The new facility is AMAZING! After my 14 years of hearing,” maybe in two years”, it is finally a reality.They are really going to be a BIG asset in helping Wildlife rehabilitate, educate the public and in conservation. I was overwhelmed by the facility and by my peeps who took care that I saw almost every inch. I miss you guys so much, I cried on the way home because I miss you all and the feathered, furry, and scaled guys.

Some of my Peeps with Noelle’s Dad!

Til’ next time!!!

The CEA count dropped 100! So the new protocol is working, so we will leave the cancer scene at this point very happy!!!!

Thought you might want to see “Loki” framed.loki2

Then here are some of the Christmas cards with embossed metal.


The show at the Beatitudes ended, so I will be putting the unsold items on Etsy, as I have time and feel well enough over the next few days.There are several ornaments and about 7 dreamcatchers. The dream catchers are priced to sell!!!! I won’t be adding any new items, so what is there is it. I don’t have enough energy to keep it going full time, but will save up stuff and post when I have something available. Right now, I am keeping busy getting gifts done for the family for Christmas and finishing up the Christmas cards to have enough to mail to all of my Christmas list. Today starts another chemo week, so be back to you soon, in the meantime……..LIVE, LOVE, and LEARN like you have limited time here. The day is not guaranteed, so enjoy the PRESENT!!!

The CEA count went up to 850 – NOT GOOD – so we have changed the protocol again. In the meantime, the oncologist has referred us to TGen for gene studies and possible clinical trials. We will make that appointment as soon as the cat-scan is done. That appointment this Thursday. Except during the treatment week, I am feeling pretty good and have some energy, but stay tired most of the time. Once again, I have to to Thank all of you for the prayers, good intentions, and positive thoughts. Could not have made it this far without every one of you. This is what community is.

Still working the metal, here are a few of the new ones.


Blue & Gold Macaw in Pewter – Loki


Black Palm Cockatoo in Pewter


African Grey in Pewter








Stay tuned, next week will post some Christmas cards with metal embossing on them. In the meantime, it is nap time,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


So on the cancer war, the CEA count kept going up, so we have changed protocols again. Back to the original treatment. This is three days every other week treatment week, Mon-Wed. Ok, so Mon and Tues, nausea and little white bag. The rest of the week, Rip Van Winkle impression. Resting week, feeling good, but tired a lot. The oncologist has referred us to TGEN for finding clinical trials. Have already heard from them and have to get a scan before we can see them. How fast can we schedule a scan?


Etta James Blues

Even through the chemo, I managed to get in three classes at Az Art Supply. Metal embossing with Lynda Abare. Before class, I watched a lot of videos and did a few pieces on my own. Here is my first original after three classes, won’t post others due to copyright issues. Hope you like. This is a front cover for a journal, 8″x 10″.

The cats are loving “Rip Van Winkle” week. I usually have at least one of them curled up with me. The parrots, not so much, they want to be held more, and I kind of don’t trust them not to chew up the house if I fall asleep. Not that they would think of such a thing,lol. Well, I am feeling a nap coming…..zzzzz……zzzzzzz……..later.

On the cancer front there is finally some good news, after several months of rising numbers, the CEA count has finally gone from 456 to 428. Not a huge drop, but enough to hope that the protocol is working. All of your prayers, positive thoughts and good wishes are appreciate as I continue this battle.dream

Not sure who the customer is but I am on your left sans hair!

Dante has had a rough couple of weeks as he had bladder stones. One was fairly large, so into surgery he went, yowling all the way. We were surprised he still had a voice box after that trip. He has recovered nicely and is trusting us enough to hold and pet him again. Rusty just looks at him with disdain and thinks, ” Get it together man! Show some dignity!”dream1

If you missed my Artist Reception, there are plenty of chances to see it. The show will be open on Sundays from 10 to 11AM at the Beatitudes Church 555 W Glendale, Phoenix, AZ. The show will run until Nov 16, actually Nov 12 is the last Sunday. You can make arrangements to see the show during Church business hours by calling the church office and making arrangements. But, if you come on Sunday, you will likely see me peddling my glass ornaments. Mickey, this Eagle is available, it is smaller than the usual 23″ ones, the large hoop is 18″.

Stay tuned, you newer know what is going to happen around here!!!dream4

Wow, this cancer journey is a roller coaster ride. I have started really recovering from the chemo that was not working, am feeling stronger and better than ever, but the numbers are not reflecting this. The CEA count went up 200 points. It is 400 now. The oncologist says sometimes the numbers go up, but I should rely more on how I am feeling physically, that it has been the best indicator. So we are going to stay with this protocol for another month and see how it goes.

In the meantime, I am getting ready for a two person show in September and October at the Beatitudes Church. It is at 7 St. and Glendale in Phoenix, AZ. More detail to follow. In addition to 5 paintings, I intend to have five leather and five velvet dreamcatchers. Here are photos of 3 of the leather waiting for feathers and beads.



Loki, Sunny and Charlie say “Hi”, the cats give you the look, and the wild birds fly away! Enjoy!

Carry On

I know you have wondering about the radio silence. Well, list’s just say without going into a lot of detail, I have been very sick. After a horrible bout with dehydration, the oncologist called and said I needed to get back in right away, my CEA was rising and the liver enzymes were way off. We started a new protocol, (weekly) which went for a month. Basically, it  is not working well, so we had been waiting for an insurance authorization for a new protocol. Just got the authorization today and will be starting new treatment tomorrow. Once again this one involves bringing home a portable unit for a day and night. SO I Will go in for treatment on Tuesday, come home with a portable unit, and go back in have the unit removed and get another treatment. Then I get a resting week. My only concern with this protocol is possible neuropathy. If it hits my hands, I will be very challenged to continue art work. So I am hoping for the best as always and thank you for all the prayers, good wishes and positive thoughts!

I have had some wonderful visitors! Thank you all for the encouragement! Hopefully next time, some photos of art or birds!!!!!

Not always where you want to be, huh!?! Sunday, I started having problems keeping food down, this continued until Thursday, when I called in to the oncologist’s office to see about coming in for fluids. Later that afternoon, I was getting a bag of fluids and nausea medications. Friday AM, the oncologist called to let me know they had done blood work and that my liver functions were way off. SO I need to get back into chemo right away. The scheduler got right back with me and set it up for Monday. SO here we go again!!!!! They are going to use a new protocol, so we will see what is up on Monday.

In the meantime, I am working on the leather dreamcatchers, and hope to have some photos to post soon!

The parrots and kitties have continued with their therapy, so I have lots of feathers and fur to hug and pet. And I will leave you with one of my Guardians, an Anna’s Hummingbird.


No one’s getting past me Boss!