Arlene Powers Bird Art and Discussion Site

SunnyThose of you who have followed my blog have been exposed to the antics of the cats and birds in my flock. Now they have all been added to my Therapy Team! What can be more soothing than a therapy kitty purring in your ear, or a therapy bird cuddling with you wanting preening? It is very hard to not feel that all is well with the world with one of these guys administering Critter Therapy. RustyFor those of you new to the blog, the flock includes, Loki, Blue and Gold Macaw, Sunny, Sun Conure, Charlie, Hahn’s Macaw, Birdie, Green Cheek Conure, Dante, Tuxedo Kitty, and Rusty, Orange Tabby. Here are a few photos of “Critter Therapy”. Will post after the first chemo treatment, but right now, I am feeling the need for some Therapy!Dante

Comments on: "Therapy Critters – The War on Cancer Continues!" (7)

  1. Y’know Bert, the late, great Lucy the wonder-cat was my family’s non-stop therapist for 18 years. I sure miss her these days, but I’m very glad you have your flock around you, Bert. I’m praying for all y’alls daily. Bertimus.

  2. Shirley Perkins said:

    Still thinking about you… still praying… still loving you… looking forward to the fulfillment of Isaiah 33:24… “And no resident will say, I am sick…”

  3. Thanks SIs, Love you!

  4. Hello Arlene, how are you doing? I hope your fight with cancer is going well. I read that you are going in for surgery, and I will keep you in my prayers for that. I hope that my silly blog cheered you and gave you some smiles! Thank you for dropping by!

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